28/02/2025 പ്രാദേശിക കാര്ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, പീലിക്കോട് Ranklist - Assistant Professor on contract basis in the department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry |
01/03/2025 College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara Two months Student Internship Programme under ANRF- SSR |
20/02/2025 Aromatic & Medicinal Plants Research Station, Odakkali Skilled Worker (Daily wage) - notification 2025 |
21/02/2025 College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara Rank List-Assistant Professor (Contract) : Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry |
24/02/2025 Aromatic & Medicinal Plants Research Station, Odakkali Assistant Professor in Biochemistry (Contract) - Notification 2025 |
24/02/2025 Agricultural Research Station, Anakkayam Rank List - Farm Officer Gr.II (Daily wage basis) - Interview held on 17.02.2025 at ARS Anakkayam |
24/02/2025 College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara Rank List-Asst. Professor(Contract)-Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry |
14/02/2025 College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara Rank list of Assistant Professor (Contract) : Fruit Science |
21/02/2025 Agricultural Research Station, Mannuthy Walk in interview - Skilled Assistant |
17/02/2025 Regional Agricultural Research Station, Pattambi Rank List - Tractor Driver - Interview held on 12.02.2025- (No. A2 - 6023/2024 - Dated: 17.02.2025) - RARS Pattambi |
18/02/2025 College of Agriculture, Vellayani Rank list for the post of Assistant Professor(Contract)-Agricultural Statistics |
14/02/2025 College of Agriculture, Padannakkad Notification for selection of Assistant Professor (Contract) in various departments |
14/02/2025 College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara Rank List of Asst.Professor (Contract)-Fruit Science Department |
06/02/2025 College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara RankList : Assistant Professor (Contract)-Department of Nano Science & Technology |
21/01/2025 Onattukara Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kayamkulam Ranklist of the Interview of Asst. Professor (Contract) in Plant Pathology -ORARS |
18/01/2025 Directorate of Information Systems (DIS) Rank list of Assistant Executive Engineer(Civil) & (Mechanical) on Contract basis |
08/01/2025 Farming Systems Research Station, Sadanandapuram Rank List of walk in interview on 08Jan2025 for the post of Assistant professors (contract) |
28/11/2024 College of Climate Change and Environmental Science, Vellanikkara Ranklist of Assistant Professor -Contract (interview conducted on 17/12/2024) |
20/12/2024 പ്രാദേശിക കാര്ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, പീലിക്കോട് Ranklist- Farm Officer GrII on daily wages |
20/12/2024 പ്രാദേശിക കാര്ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, പീലിക്കോട് Ranklist- LDV Driver Gr II on daily wages |
20/12/2024 പ്രാദേശിക കാര്ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, പീലിക്കോട് Ranklist-Farm Assistant (vety) on daily wages |
09/12/2024 College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara Ranklist of Assistant Professor (Contract) - Plant Pathology |
16/12/2024 പ്രാദേശിക കാര്ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, പീലിക്കോട് Ranklist-Assistant Professor in the dept of Agronomy (contract) |
16/12/2024 പ്രാദേശിക കാര്ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, പീലിക്കോട് Ranklist- Assistant Professor in the dept of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry (contract) |
16/12/2024 പ്രാദേശിക കാര്ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, പീലിക്കോട് Ranklist- Assistant Professor in the dept of Agricultural Extension (Contract) |
16/12/2024 പ്രാദേശിക കാര്ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, പീലിക്കോട് Ranklist- Assistant Professor in the dept of Plant Pathology (contract) |
16/12/2024 പ്രാദേശിക കാര്ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, പീലിക്കോട് Rank list-Assistant Professor in the dept of Agricultural Engineering(contract) |
09/12/2024 College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara Rank List of Assistant Professor(Contract)-Department of Fruit Science |
10/12/2024 College of Agriculture, Padannakkad പടന്നക്കാട് കാർഷിക കോളേജിലെ എൽ.ഡി.വി ഡ്രൈവർ-കം-ഓഫീസ് അറ്റന്റന്റ് ഗ്രേഡ്-II തസ്തികയിലെ ഒരൊഴിവിലേക്ക് ദിവസവേതന വ്യവസ്ഥയിൽ താത്കാലിക നിയമനത്തിനായി വാക്ക്-ഇൻ-ഇന്റർവ്യൂ നടത്തുന്നത് |
07/12/2024 College of Forestry, Vellanikkara RankList for the post of Project Fellow |
05/11/2024 College of Agriculture, Padannakkad Rank List for selection of Asst Professor on Contract in Various Departments |
28/11/2024 Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Food Technology, Tavanur Rank list of Part time Counsellor |
26/11/2024 Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Food Technology, Tavanur Instructional Farm- Farm Officer Gr II (Agri) Ranklist |
02/11/2024 പ്രാദേശിക കാര്ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, പീലിക്കോട് Ranklist of candidates for Last Grade Servant Gr II through employment exchange |
01/11/2024 പ്രാദേശിക കാര്ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, പീലിക്കോട് Ranklist of candidates for the selection of Agromet Observer on contract basis |
21/10/2024 പ്രാദേശിക കാര്ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, പീലിക്കോട് Ranklist of the interview conducted on 19.10.2024 for the post of Tractor Driver GrII through Employment Exchange |
23/09/2024 പ്രാദേശിക കാര്ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, പീലിക്കോട് Rank list of Last Grade Servant Gr II through Employment Exchange |
29/06/2024 Regional Agricultural Research Station, Pilicode Rank list - Farm Assistant (Vety) Grade II - Temporary appointed through Employment Exchange |